Our Worship Services

At Westminster Presbyterian Church, we worship together as a community on Sunday mornings. Throughout the week, each individual within our community worships the Lord by serving and sharing God’s love with others. We offer two different styles of worship services on Sunday mornings, and we put great emphasis on facilitating a strong Christian education program for people of all ages. Services with Communion are held on the first Sunday of each month.

We invite you to worship with us or attend any of our other events. A great deal is happening in the life of our congregation; please check us out!

Worship Schedule

Months of August through June
9:00 am Traditional Worship and 10:15 am Modern Worship.  Both services can be viewed online at wpcw.org/worship at any time.

Month of July
10:00 am Worship – alternating weekly between worshipping in the Sanctuary and the Shared Life Center.

9am Traditional Worship

The Traditional Worship service is held in our Sanctuary. Each week during (August through June) we have music provided by one or more of our music ensembles on a rotating basis including the Adult Chancel Choir, Meisteringers: Adult Handbell Choir, Youth Choir or one of our Children's Choirs.  During the Summer months Special Music is offered by our church community. Come worship while singing with the sound of the pipe organ, sitting in the light of the stained-glass windows, and hearing the beautiful message of Christ's love shared each Sunday.

10:15am Modern Worship

The Modern Worship service is held in our Shared Life Center. Enjoy the sounds of our Worship Team Choir or one of our Children's Choirs. Come worship while singing with our worship praise band, enjoying the relaxed coffee-house environment, and hearing the beautiful message of Christ's love shared each Sunday.