Our Session

The ordination of Lay People of strong faith and integrity to govern a local church is unique to the Presbyterian form of government. A Session is the council for the congregation, helping it become a community of faith, hope, love, and active Christian witness in the world. While only the Risen Christ is the head of the Church, the Session makes sure that the word of God is preached and heard, the sacraments (baptism and communion) are lovingly administered and received, and that the covenant community is nurtured as increasingly more faithful disciples of Christ. Elders are normally elected for a three-year term and are allowed to serve two consecutive terms before rotating off.

Our Session is comprised 16 elders (the translation of the Greek word presbyteros, the basis of our denominational name). It’s moderated by our current Head of Staff.

The following people are currently on Session at Westminster:

Class of 2024
Jennifer Owen-Kuhn
Judy Clauson
Trisha Crawford

Class of 2025
Jodi Fabrizio
Ryan Greve
June Klein-Bacon
Marv DeWaard
Don Kester
Christina Sales
Kim Porter
Rick Gorman

Class of 2026
Scott Cose
Kerri Powell
Jeff Morgan
Bonnie Smith-Davis
Matt Haines

September 2024 Session Minutes

Our Deacons

The Deacons are the “heart” of our congregation.  Each Deacon has been called, ordained and installed to this position.

At Westminster, our Deacons are matched with individuals from our congregation who are home bound, had a recent loss or need extra encouragement.  Monthly contact is made by a visit, call or card.

Deacon outreach includes going outside the walls of the church. Deacon sponsored caring teams have a “Christmas in July” drive to provide items for the Women's Shelters in the Cedar Valley. During Advent, they sponsor a “G-LOVE” tree to collect winter items for area school children.

The following people are currently Deacons at Westminster.

Class of 2024
Monica Johnson
Bonnie Smith-Davis
Faith Sonksen
Keary Secor

Class of 2025
Susan Larsen
Heidi Warrington
Vicki Cose
Troyce Vich

Class of 2026
Ann Northey
Nancy Osgood
Jean Gardner
Sara Cornette