Believe. Become. Belong. Build.
With Christ as our Cornerstone we Believe, Become, Belong, and Build Together.
Believe: Worship
Westminster provides compelling worship services in multiple formats, resulting in people being energized in their love of God. At Westminster, worship is more than Wednesday classes and Sunday services but engages all the ways we bring glory to God in our daily lives. Our worship boldly proclaims that Jesus Christ is “God with us” and the one who transforms us from self-centeredness to God-centeredness and enables us to become focused more on loving others and meeting the spiritual, social, physical, emotional, and economic needs of others.
Become: Spiritual Growth
Westminster Presbyterian provides spiritual transformation opportunities for all. Westminster Presbyterian focuses on enabling and encouraging each other to grow deeper in our relationship to Jesus Christ and more open in our love for others. We are a congregation that honors prayer by providing opportunities to learn about prayer and to practice praying publicly, privately, silently, and verbally.
Belong: Care and Hospitality
Westminster Presbyterian is a radically welcoming congregation. We provide a depth of care and hospitality that is life changing. People outside the church are drawn in by the level of care and compassion that is shown by our congregation. Our hospitality serves as a witness to our hope in Christ. We will learn to be prepared to answer to others who ask us about the hope we have.
Build: Mission
Westminster Presbyterian is seen within our community as the go-to beacon of God’s love, engaging communities locally and around the world. Our service to others is seen as preserving the dignity of those served so they are honored as created in God’s image and loved as a child of God.