Sunday School

During the school year, Adult Sunday School gathers in the Chapel Sunday's at 10:15 am.

Currently we have skilled facilitators leading a lively discussion on that Sunday's sermon message.

Monthly Group

Card Making Class
Westminster hosts a monthly card making class (usually) on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30pm. School age and older welcome. Bring a friend, share in the fellowship and creative fun. Cost $15.00 to create four cards. Supplies and instruction included.  Contact Holly by text/call at 309-202-7632 or email

Weekday Opportunities

Bible Study for Women: Rev. Cathy Young leads an in-depth Bible study for women at 9am Mondays via Zoom. All women of Westminster and the wider Cedar Valley are invited to attend the study. Contact Cathy Young to be added to this group, Available on Zoom only.

Men's Bible Study: Join us on Tuesday's at 9:00 am in the Coffee House. Benefits galore are available: sharing insights, relishing in God's grace, watching fellow men grow in knowledge and also in spiritual strength. You are not required to bring any biblical knowledge with you other than an ability and desire to meet "brothers in Christ." Facilitator: William Kay.

The Piecemakers

Our sewing group meets every Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00pm. Our mission is to make quilts and children's clothing for those in need in our community and afar. We are seeking new members. Stop in for great fellowship and see what you can learn or where your talents can help out.