Stewardship 2022 - Growing Our Faith Through Generosity
In the gospel of Luke, the disciples beg Jesus to increase their faith. Jesus responds, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” According to New Testament scholar Yon-Gyong Kwong, the tree in question was famously difficult to dig up because of its long taproot. Planting a tree in the sea is plainly impossible. But disciples do not need more faith to do the impossible. All that we need is to exercise whatever faith we do have.
One way to exercise our faith here at Westminster is to be generous with our time and money. How we use and share the blessings that God has provided are tangible expressions of our response when Christ says to us, “Follow me!” Our gratitude and generosity are indicators of a healthy and balanced spiritual life.
Pledging is easy:
• Prayerfully consider your 2022 pledge amount.
• If you have never pledged, commit to give something weekly, monthly or yearly. If you have pledged in the past, try increasing your gift by 10% or move closer to tithing 10% of your income.
• Complete and return your pledge card by mail, electronically from the Church’s website (www.wpcw.org), drop it off at the Church office or in the offering baskets.
Please return your pledge card to the Church by November 15, 2021. Every pledge counts and every gift is an invaluable part of our ministry together.
As you pray for the Church and discern how you will participate in 2022, we ask that you do so remembering God’s faithfulness shown throughout the recent years. Consider how your giving might be an opportunity to grow in faith and generosity this year.
John Speas
Finance/Stewardship Chair
9 For his reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. Col. 1:9-10
Paul’s prayer for the church at Colossae resonates with Westminster’s Stewardship efforts. We hope together to Grow in our Faith through Generosity by bringing Christ’s love closer to the Cedar Valley and beyond with the gifts of our time, our efforts and our financial resources.
As you pray for the Church and discern how you will participate in 2022, we ask that you do so remembering God’s faithfulness shown throughout the recent years.
Consider how your giving might be an opportunity to grow in Faith and Generosity this year.