Children are an important part of the church community at Westminster. We value their unique gifts and treasure their journeys of faith formation. Opportunities are provided for children to grow in their relationship with God through worship, Bible study, community fellowship, and mission outreach.

Wes Pres Kids
All kids are invited to our Wednesday evening activities. This includes dinner, music, and a rotation of games, crafts and story time. The evening begins with dinner at 5pm and the whole family is invited! To register your child, please do so at
Our Wes Pres Wednesday meals are FREE OF CHARGE. If you would like to help us offset the costs of providing these meals, you can make a donation via our Kiosk, in the offering tray on Sunday mornings or by placing a donation in the box outside of the Social Hall.
Sunday School
During the school year, Sunday School meets each Sunday at 10:15 am.