Prelude Savior of the Nations, Come, BWV659 Lighting of the Advent Candle Call to Worship Hymn – #132 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice Scripture – Isaiah 11:1-10 Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Hymn #366 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Passing of the Peace Special Music Scripture/Sermon Matthew 3:1-6, John 1:6-9 Communion Hymn […]

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Guest Preacher: Rev. Carol Teare Prelude – Cantilena by Josef Rheinberger Call to Worship Hymn – #367 Come Ye Thankful People Come Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Hymn #647 Give Thanks Passing of the Peace Reception of New Members Special Music – Great is Thy Faithfulness Scripture – Psalm 100 Sermon – “Sheep, Shepherd […]

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Guest Preacher: Rev. Carol Teare Prelude Music Song – I Raise a Hallelujah Prayer Passing of the Peace Reception of New Members Song – 10,000 Reasons Scripture – Psalm 100 Sermon – “Sheep, Shepherd & Sheepdogs” Song – This is Amazing Grace Offering & Announcements Stewardship Moment Prayer Song – I Thank God Blessing Postlude

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